World of Microbiology and Immunology COPYRIGHT 2003 The Gale Group Inc. The cytoplasm of a prokaryotic cell is everything that is present inside the bacterium. In contrast to a eukaryotic cell, there is not a functional segregation inside bacteria . The cytoplasm houses all the chemicals and components that are used to sustain the life of a bacterium, with the…
Mechanical Structure (a) Defines / encloses the Cell A cell membrane encloses and defines the cell. There are different ways to express this, e.g. The cell membrane maintains the physical integrity of the cell. It s most obvious in the cases of animal cells (because they don t have cell walls) that the cell membrane holds the cell together by enclosing the cytoplasm…
All living organisms on earth consists of cells which are the basic units of life. Based on their function, cells are categorized into different types of cells, the somatic cells and the reproductive cells. Each cell has a nucleus and a jellylike watery substance that is 80% water that occupies the remaining part of the cell. This is called Cytoplasm. The cytoplasm…
Structure-Function-Pathogenicity Relationships MM 1-16 General 1. To compare and contrast the Gram-positive and the Gram-negative bacterial cells 2. To develop an understanding of the relationships between cell components and clinical features of disease 3. To explain the bacterial growth curve 4. To familiarize you with immune reactions induced by the bacterial…
Prokaryotic cells are one of the most basic kinds of cells that are out there in Biology. They are the cells of bacteria, so let s take a look at what makes up the key characteristics of a prokaryote. Now their name tells you one of their most important things; pro means before kary means nucleus, so this tells you that this is what cells that evolved before…
The Golgi Apparatus Model. David Gunn / Getty Images The following are examples of structures and organelles that can be found in typical plant cells: Chloroplast - the sites of photosynthesis in a plant cell. They contain chlorophyll, a green pigment that absorbs energy from sunlight. Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) - extensive network of membranes composed of both…
Plasma membrane- The membrane enclosing a cell is made up of two lipid layers called a bilipid membrane. The lipids that are present in the plasma membrane are called phospholipids. These lipid layers are made up of a number of fatty acid building blocks. The fatty acid that makes up this membrane has two different parts to it- a small water loving head…
Coughing and sneezing. Contact with infected people, especially through kissing and sex. Contact with contaminated surfaces, food, and water. Contact with infected creatures, including pets, livestock, and insects such as fleas and ticks. Microbes can also cause: Acute infections, which are short-lived. Chronic infections, which can last for weeks, months, or…